What is the Health Education Initiative?

The Health Education Initiative was created to aid in ending the stigma associated with mental health care and illness, to provide support to students, educators, social workers, health professionals, nutritionists, therapists, professors, clients, and patients. Additionally, to help eradicate eating disorders, to ensure each individual has full access to learn about maintaining, promoting, and understanding sexual health and intimacy.

The mission is to spread the knowledge, wisdom, insights, support, and care they have received. The Health Education Initiative will be growing consistently and will be here to support your journey of self-awareness, growth, healing, recovery, integration, and nurturing.

Dr. Treacy shares her experiences, knowledge, (maybe a bit of wisdom? - you decide) in a variety of formats including her podcast, offering a variety of books - Amazon, workbooks, TikTok shorts, LinkedIn profile and YouTube channel videos, Instagram, and Facebook posts.

The Health Education Initiative will also off educational, action based, supportive small groups.

Our mission is to deliver evidence based health education globally, improve access to innovative mental health care, provide eating disorder recovery support, intuitive eating guidance, sexual health and intimacy education, alternative and holistic healing resources, enhance communication skills, and help you become your own best nurturer.


Access to free resources and accurate health education,

Offer Small Group Education and Support,

Offer affordable and convenient options for professional development,

Provide insight on navigating the health care system, educational system, and the child welfare system,

Explanations and guidelines for alternative health care,

Partnering with and supporting professionals with the mission to help heal, motivate, inspire, and uplift you.

Explore our site for access to variety of resources, health professionals, small businesses, content creators, educators, artists, healers, and therapists. Each in line with mission to improve access to evidence based and innovative mental health care, eating disorder recovery support, sexual health and intimacy education, alternative and holistic healing, communication skills, .

Topics and Connections to Resources include:

  • Eating disorder treatment support, education, and recovery maintenance,

    • Access to Dr. Treacy’s F.U.N. method (finding your own best nurturer)

    • What is Intuitive Eating?

    • What is Health at Every Size?

    • What are Eating Disorders?

    • Resources on finding Treatment.

  • Mental health advocacy and support for mental health stability,

  • Social skill development,

  • Support, Education, and Empowerment for teenagers,

  • Support, Education, and Empowerment for Moms, Dads, Families, and Guardians

  • Support, Education, and Empowerment for Women - Moms at various stages of parenting

  • Support, Education, and Empowerment for members and allies in the LGBTQA+ community, - ensuring connection to safe professionals

  • Support, Education, and Empowerment for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), - helping connect you to health care professionals with knowledge and training in systemic racism

  • Support, Education, and Empowerment for Black, Brown, Indigenous, and Asian (BBIA), - helping connect you to professionals with knowledge and training on racially marginalized communities

  • Empowerment, connection, and knowledge for Professionals

    • Offering online courses, on each of the topics listed, and additionally:

    • Mentorship

    • Professionals May Request Live Virtual Professional Development Options

    • Creating Action Plans with Your Students, Clients, and Patients (how to help those you help bring knowledge from various professionals and put it into action)

    • Bridging Fields to Improve Care for our Students, Clients, and Patients

    • Teaching, empowering, advocating for, and respecting people atypical brains and bodies

    • Public Health Leadership

    • Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Streamline Your Practice and Provide Innovative Treatment and Educational Options

  • Enhancing the sacred,

  • Work with the “True story of our Two Wolves”

  • Uplifting your spirit, holistic health care, humor and silliness, journaling for sanity and clarity, political commentary (that will be a link to a link with a warning - “proceed at your own risk” - and it will NOT be my own… just links to hopefully funny and supportive resources) , access to variety of curriculum, artistic expression, health and wellness program development, corporate employee health and wellness programs, social science research and development, and a wide variety of professional development options.

  • Password protected access to educational content for adults

  • Educational Support Groups

Contact us

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